Ditch your skin anxiety permanently by reversing your acne naturally in as little as 30 days...

Join women all over the world who have cleared their chronic acne naturally using my laser-focused SkinReading® method and WITHOUT obsessive skin care routines or harsh acne drugs...

Limited Time! On sale for 50% Off!

Heres what our members say...

“Coming off the pill was one of the scariest decisions I had to make for my health but I knew my skin would go back to how it was before I went on birth-control to stop it. Indeed after a month my skin instantly went back to its worst state it’s even been. I know that what I did with Reclaiming Your Clear Skin will help me with my health in the long term. This is life seriously changing. I feel better about myself and my body and even if I do get a tiny breakout, I don’t care anymore, I know exactly why it’s there and how it make it go away. I highly recommend you give it a try.”


This online course is for you if you have acne in these regions...

Reclaiming Your Clear Skin® helps you with your #skingoals by…

Fast forwarding the time it takes to find a customized solution that works for your type of acne.

Eliminating waste-of-time methods that will just leave you feeling like you’ve failed…again.

Using healthy protocols that will support your body rather than slowly chipping away at your health the way acne drugs do.

Teaching you what your body is asking for so you can finally stop agonizing over what is causing your acne.

Empowering you to take control of your own skin, health and body.

Worried That You’ve Already Tried It All?

I totally get it. You don’t want to learn any methods you’ve already tried before.

Here’s what acne methods I WON’T be recommending:

  • Acne Cleansers or Toners
  • Benzoyl Peroxide
  • Serums or Actives
  • Tretinoin
  • Red Light Therapy
  • Exfoliation brushes
  • Pimple patches
  • Slugging with Vaseline
  • Toothpaste
  • Jojoba oil or Coconut oil
  • Birth Control pills or IUDs
  • Antibiotic Drugs
  • Spironolactone
  • Accutane
  • New pillowcases
  • Cleaning your phone
  • Steroid Injections
  • Pore Strips
  • Extractions
  • Sunscreen
  • Fasting by skipping meals
  • “Natural Masks” with baking soda, lemon juice, egg white, honey or vinegar
  • Witch hazel
  • Urine therapy
  • Ibuprofen
  • Restrictive Dieting or Calorie Restriction
  • Chemical peels, laser, microdermabrasion

This is a holistic online course that can heal and transform your whole body.

In addition to clear skin, the methods you will learn can help you with:

  • Reduced Cellulite
  • Better Metabolism
  • Weight Loss
  • Thicker Hair
  • Thicker Eyebrows
  • Breast Pain Reduction
  • Regular Periods
  • Better Digestion
  • More Stable Mood
  • Stronger Nails
  • Pain-free Periods
  • PMS Elimination
  • Allergy reduction
  • Higher Libido
  • More Energy
  • Self-Confidence
  • Less Anxiety
  • And more!

When you Reclaim Your Clear Skin® your whole body comes into balance.

SWIPE >> to see my transformation...

Reclaiming Your Clear Skin® is a complete self-paced online course for women who are ready to clear their acne naturally. You’ll discover your root cause of acne and receive a customized clear skin plan so you can heal your unique acne type, get clear skin and move on with your beautiful life!

Here's What You'll Get From This Course...

Core Lessons:

  • SkinReading – Learning the language of your skin to indentify your root cause of your acne
  • AcneFirstAid – Learning how to get control of your acne ASAP, even before you know your root cause
  • Skin, Mind and Soul healing – Connecting with and loving your body while using natural methods to heal your acne at the root cause

Plus you'll learn:

  • The true root cause of your acne and how to heal it
  • Easy-to-use herbs to reverse your acne
  • How to read the symptoms of your body so you can heal your skin as fast as possible
  • Micro and macronutrients your skin needs to be resilient against acne bacteria
  • Glowing skin lifestyle shifts to balance your hormones and de-stress your skin

  • How to balance female-specific hormones that cause especially stubborn acne in women
  • Peer-reviewed science based acne research
  • How to add skin supportive foods to your diet
  • Safe and easy natural hormone balancing techniques
  • Anti-inflammation recipes to reduce the redness and swelling of your acne

Reclaiming Your Clear Skin




  • Reclaiming Your Clear Skin® Self-paced Online Course
  • Lifetime Access to the Member’s Only Facebook Group
  • Lifetime Access to Course and All Future Updates
  • Acne Root Cause Lifestyle Challenges
  • Select Discounts on Practitioner Grade Supplements

Everything you need to clear your acne and move on with your beautiful life!


You’ll receive all content instantly after signing up, but you have lifetime access and can go through the course at your own pace.

Who is this clear skin expert teaching you about skin health?

Meet Antosia

Antosia is a woman like you, who struggled with understanding her body and her skin, but who mastered healing with food and plants. If you’re ready for it, she’s happy to guide you to do the same.

Antosia studied biology and biochemistry at the University of Manitoba and graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in 2010.

She is also a member of the International Alliance of Holistic Therapists for her completion of studies as a Master Herbalist. She specializes in acne, digestive health, autoimmune disease and women’s hormonal health.

Along with all that, Antosia suffered with acne since birth and was forced to study it so she could cut through ocean of acne advice out there and find a real solution. She’s an official member of the “I had acne” club. She knows how it feels and how important it is to you to get clear and is personally invested in helping you succeed.

Reclaiming Your Clear Skin® is for you if you want to heal your skin naturally in the shortest amount of time…

  • You’re an 18+ woman who has been struggling with acne (on your face, body or scalp) for more than 6 months. You know that your body needs a bit of help in order to start glowing with clear skin and you’re down to learn how to do that.
  • You’re frustrated with figuring out what your body is asking you for and wish someone would simplify it for you so you can have faster results.
  • You’ve realized that skin care and acne drugs have no hope of curing your acne and you’re ready for a more substantial approach.
  • You enjoy learning about the science of how your body works and find it easier to commit to health plans when you know why you’re doing them!

I have to be honest. You’re NOT going to love Reclaiming Your Clear Skin® if you don’t care about your health…

The Reclaiming Your Clear Skin® method covers all your bases when it comes to acne and is infinitely faster than trying to figure it out on your own but only if you’re willing to do the work and make the necessary changes to help your skin thrive. Here are some signs that you should not join Reclaiming Your Clear Skin®

  • You’re not that interested in your health and you’re looking for a magic erase band-aid solution for your acne. Acne is a condition that is almost always lifestyle based, meaning you should be open to learning about how your habits are affecting your skin and be willing to do something about it.
  • You don't really want clear skin that much. I'm serious. Not everyone wants it. Some people are totally fine managing their pimples for a few decades if it means they don't have to make any changes or put any effort into their health. If you've read this far, I'm guessing that's not you.
  • You're a health practitioner. This course is not open to health practitioners. If you're interested in training in herbalism, please reach out to me.

After speaking with hundreds of women who struggle acne, I know exactly what the path to clear skin looks like…

It’s time to claim the skin you know you deserve…